Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Raising girls

I have two beautiful daughters in my family. I have so many wishes for them for when they grow up. I wish for them to be self confidant and smart to have a great sense of self, to respect the environment. So many things run through my head, a lot of them are actually reflected in the people around me and who I don't want them to end up like. I worry about the actions of people around us and how they seem in my daughters eyes. What does my 5 year old think when she catches bit of conversation about the latest boy my friends are seeing or when another woman is being nasty. How is hearing things like that supposed to help her become a self assured woman? As woman we have a lot of responsibility as to how we choose to raise our daughters, do we want them to be just like us? Are you strong enough in your opinion of yourself that you feel your daughter would be perfect of she turned out just like you?. I know I'm not, I have a lot a flaws that I'd rather not pass on. So how do we go about this task? When there is so much negative behavior from women in society?. honestly I don't know, What I do know is that I'm going to be the best role model I can. I'm not going to allow people to be bitchy around her, or towards her (yes this has happened). No one is going to get away with their petty 'female' bullshit around my girls ever again. We need to support each other, be there for each other. We've all got issues & have different stories to tell but that shouldn't reflect on how we treat each other. Stop the bitterness & the jealousy and just except that we are all different and that doesn't mean we can't at the very least show some basic human respect for one another. To show our kids that love and respect are important between woman. Yeah it sounds a bit hippy but that's just a part of who I am. Don't like it? Then fine but don't be a bitch about it :p